LA Corp Publishing Wing Produces New Paper
Community dialog and concerns have been the subject of numerous meetings, workshops or round
table discussions. Among the most talked about "need" for the LGBTQ community was the desire for a local newspaper dedicated to addressing challenges and issues impacting gay Arkansans. That void is being filled with the launch of The READ which will began circulating its premier first edition Friday, March 28.
Cornelius Mabin, Executive Producer of the long running online blog, CorneliusOnpoint,( commonly referred to as COP 24/7 has been tapped as Managing Editor of the periodical. The paper will feature an assortment of hard news, columns, community announcements and "infotainment," to offer the widest possible coverage across Arkansas and the mid-south.
Mabin stated, "for some time I kept hearing that if we "only" had a newspaper...and so now that we now have it, I'm hoping that it will do its part in keeping everyone informed or entertained in some way. Our first run of 1000 copies will set the tone of how we move forward." He concluded, "we have capacity to build what ever we want if we can find common ground, as well as mutual perspectives to do so. At this time we are preparing to publish monthly depending on our success metrics."
Currently the roster of contributors include Tonya Estell, Sara Strickland, Terrene Sain, Michael Henderson, Mikaltodd Wilson and Keith Jones among others who will be apart of the team producing the monthly tabloid. "I'm very proud of our first edition and looking forward to getting this out into the area," said Tonya Estell. "It almost surreal that we brainstormed at a kitchen table and then made it happen!" Other's interested in submitting content contributions should contact Tonya Estell at
Under the LA Corp Publishing banner, The READ is the latest publication produced by The Living Affected Corporation. The entity has produced two periodicals included the ground breaking "Our Lives, Our Stories, The Untold Stories of Women with AIDS," and the first LGBTQ health Journal, Omnibus. "I'm excited about this new venture" said, Publisher, Diedra Levi. "Not having a local paper was a missing link that needed to be done based on the conversations that I was apart of. Therefore we moved ahead to make it a reality with high hopes that we get enthusiastic support from advertisers and contributors throughout the community." The next expanded issue is scheduled for a May 2014 release.
COP 24/7 will be cross pollinating both its digital platform in conjunction with the new monthly piece. An official The Read launch party planning is underway and will be announced across all online portals. The new publication has affordable advertising rates for both color or black and white. Also individuals can support through various levels from Patron at $25 to the World Changer level at the $10,000 or more benchmark. For more information call Melina Granger, 501-349-7776 or 877-902-7448.
Observing LGBT Health Awareness Week
statement by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

It’s critical for the LGBT community and all Americans to remember that Monday, March 31 is the last day of open enrollment and those who miss out can’t get covered through the Marketplace until 2015.
Access to affordable care has long been an obstacle to good health and financial security for the LGBT community and all Americans. On average, LGBT Americans suffer from higher rates of cancer, obesity, HIV/AIDS and mental illness than the rest of the nation. For those with chronic conditions such as HIV/AIDS, dollar caps on annual and lifetime coverage meant astronomical bills and debt for many in the community.
But thanks to the Affordable Care Act, it is a new day. Lifetime and annual dollar caps are a thing of the past and no one can be denied coverage based on their health history.
Legally married couples are treated equally when it comes to coverage or financial assistance, no matter who they are married to. And, for the first time, Marketplace coverage is now affordable for the LGBT community and Americans all over the country.
Remember: Monday, March 31 is the last day of enrollment – that’s only five days left to get everyone covered who still needs it.
This Administration is committed to improving the health of all Americans, including LGBT Americans, and we look forward to continuing this work during LGBT Health Awareness Week and beyond.