Every now and then, we at The Living Affected Corporation are pleasantly surprised or broadsided by not the larger picture but often its the small item that makes us know that we must continue the work of educating and advocating for HIV/AIDS prevention. Years ago LACorp believed that the new frontier of prevention would be in the social networking arena and all things internet. Amazingly, at that time many in the know stated that "prevention message" couldn't or better yet wouldn't be disseminated in that manner. Hello, how wrong were they!! Case in point is the following item shared on the AIDS.gov blog and other press releases citing the use of the Internet for just such a purpose. Including the CDC's RFP seeking App development in the area of regimen reminders for smart phones. Even though LA Corporation didn't gaze into a crystal ball, check with our local psychic or read any tea leaves, it was the marketplace of technology which signaled that such tools as I-Phones, I-books, Smart Phones and Tablets along with their "App's" would be revolutinary to our society on numerous fronts. LA Corp is hard at work designing a program that will be another prevention tool to launch into the social networking scenario based on a 2009 community assessment piece which cited that many in the MSM found sexual partners in this manner. With that revelation and the ongoing move in digitizing medical records we can't keep standing by as if this technology can't be useful. Especially as medical facilities also now embrace "tele-medicines"concepts along with numerous other online platforms that offer medical services. LA Corp is not saying, "we told you so," but just for the record, "we told you master's of universe" that technology would be the next frontier of prevention and it's a fact.
Communications Technology in Public Health Takes Off
The AIDS Institute of the New York State Department of Health
, in partnership with AIDS.gov, held its second Forum on social media and HIV/STIs – which now qualifies as an annual event — on December 8, 2011.
This year, the Forum “Social Media: Going Viral Against HIV and STIs”
was subtitled “Communications Technology in Public Health” since it took a broad view of social media in the context of health communications, focusing on public health messaging and consumer engagement.
The Forum was moderated by Miguel Gomez, Director of AIDS.gov, Office of HIV/AIDS Policy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Mr. Gomez’s extensive experience using video podcasting, administering the AIDS.gov blog, and advocating for the use of social media and new technologies in relation to HIV/AIDS stimulated thought-provoking conversation. He served as a great resource to participants.
Dr. William Smith, Editor of Social Marketing Quarterly
, gave Forum attendees “Lessons from 30 Years of Social Marketing,” the subtitle of his presentation on “Why “Cool” Isn’t Enough.” Rather than just offering information, said Dr. Smith, it’s critical to tell a persuasive, engaging story that resonates with the intended audience and offers a solution to a problem they wish to solve. Health professionals should also help to make the desired choices doable and fun.
Dr. Punam Keller
, The Charles Henry Jones Third Century Professor of Management, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, reviewed her research on communication models that improve health outcomes. Titled “Health Behavior Change: Persuasive Communication and Choice Architecture,” her presentation discussed structuring health messages so that the desired choice has clear advantages and reinforces the individual’s sense of control. Compared to opt in/opt out strategies and monetary incentives, the “enhanced active choice” model produces substantially greater compliance. Her research is the basis for the CDC’s new online message development tool, called “Message Works,” which will debut in April 2012.
The third speaker, Jessica Faye Carter, JD, CEO of the Heta Corporation
, spoke on “Social Media Strategies to Engage Multicultural Consumers,” outlining ways to refine thinking about race/ethnicity and culture in order to better design messages for multicultural individuals and populations.
More information on the 2011 Forum and other AIDS Institute social media activities is available at http://nyconferences.org/socialmedia
. You can also watch a webcast from the event here
Got Ideas to share, then hit us up with what gadgets, Apps or gizmos might make a great tool to use in sharing prevention messages. Are you a tech head or Geek? Lend you talents to LA Corp as we are always on the cutting edge of technology. Let's hear from you today!!!
Communications Technology in Public Health Takes Off
L-R: Humberto Cruz, AIDS Institute Director; Dr. Cheryl Smith, AIDS Institute Associate Medical Director; Miguel Gomez, Director, AIDS.gov
This year, the Forum “Social Media: Going Viral Against HIV and STIs”
The Forum was moderated by Miguel Gomez, Director of AIDS.gov, Office of HIV/AIDS Policy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Mr. Gomez’s extensive experience using video podcasting, administering the AIDS.gov blog, and advocating for the use of social media and new technologies in relation to HIV/AIDS stimulated thought-provoking conversation. He served as a great resource to participants.
Dr. William Smith, Editor of Social Marketing Quarterly
Dr. Punam Keller
The third speaker, Jessica Faye Carter, JD, CEO of the Heta Corporation
More information on the 2011 Forum and other AIDS Institute social media activities is available at http://nyconferences.org/socialmedia
Got Ideas to share, then hit us up with what gadgets, Apps or gizmos might make a great tool to use in sharing prevention messages. Are you a tech head or Geek? Lend you talents to LA Corp as we are always on the cutting edge of technology. Let's hear from you today!!!
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