The Living and Affected Corporation commends the various intergovernmental agencies that have partnered with our organization in the fight to eliminate health disparities in people of color communities and among marginalized populations. It has been a distinct part of our mission to offer testing opportunities as well as direct information within the Black MSM sector. Through our organization we have championed the issue of social determinants impact on individuals on their quest to access care. Our H.E.F.T.E. concept, outlines that housing, educations, food, treatment and equality are components that have to be apart of the holistic approach in the care continuum. We stand on the premise that we must embrace a person from a whole perspective and not define them from disease vantage point. It is our vision to fostering a Wellness Institute that will serve a clearinghouse of care, social justice concerns and a source of critical thinking concerning the equity of the health care paradigm. Please feel free to contribute to our efforts through purchasing our publications or forwarding a tax-exempt donation through our web portal:
Eliminating Disparities in HIV/AIDS
One year after the launch of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)’ first-ever Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities and the National Partnership for Action’s National Stakeholder Strategy for Achieving Health Equity, the Federal government is embracing a renewed commitment to health equity.
The fight against these disparities has drawn momentum since the release of the National
J. Nadine Gracia
Meanwhile, the Affordable Care Act is helping to ensure better care for people living with HIV/AIDS. With greater options for stable, affordable health insurance coverage; protection from insurance company abuses; and increased opportunities for health and well-being, people living with HIV/AIDS will benefit from a health care system that puts consumers first.
Most recently, HHS announced the availability of $15 million in funding for community-based organizations across the country that provide care and critical services to people living with HIV and AIDS through both supplemental and new funding in the Ryan White program. By improving and increasing access to care for people living with HIV, this initiative will help to reduce HIV-related health disparities – a critical objective in the implementation of the NHAS.
And at the Office of Minority Health, we are developing policies and programs to address the burden of HIV/AIDS on communities of color. For instance, our HIV/AIDS Health Improvement for Re-Entering Ex-Offenders (HIRE) Initiative seeks to bridge HIV-related health care gaps by linking HIV-positive ex-offenders who are re-entering the mainstream population to comprehensive health care and case management services.
But even as these initiatives spur progress, one thing is clear: realizing our vision of an AIDS-free generation will depend on far more than leadership by government agencies. In the fight against the national HIV epidemic, everyone is a stakeholder. And everyone can take action.
This year, we have designated the theme for Minority Health Month to be “Health Equity Can’t Wait: Act Now in Your CommUNITY!” – a call to action for stakeholders everywhere to join in raising awareness about health disparities and health equity. To find out more, and join in the movement, visit
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