The Living Affected Corporation is continuing its effort in exploring training modules ranging from HIV testing and Counseling to being certified for the D-UP HIV diffusion of innovation intervention. Facilitated by ETR (Education, Training, Research) Associates, Rafiki Rama Franklin, M.Ed. and Carnelius Quinn, CBA Specialist and Project Coordinator, the group achieve graduate status after four intensive days ( June 19-22, 2012) of working through the in depth understanding of the intervention. These modules will be apart of the foundation of the organizations emerging Black MSM group, Strilite, which will forge a course to further "message" within the Black community through social networks and friendship circles. With the completion of these modules, this positions LA Corp with staffing that will be empowered with available personal for "one on one" in- home testing opportunities, expansion of circulating harm reduction kits as well as position individuals directly within friendship circles who have been educated and trained on the transmissions of HIV and AIDS. As apart of the core elements of the program, each newly trained facilitator will seek and identify opinion leaders within the at risk population, raise their awareness of how negative social and cultural factors impact Black MSM and teach the opinion leaders the elements of effective behavior change resulting in more condom usage.
A innovative approach such as this has not been done in the state of Arkansas during the course of the disease, no other agency directly serves this population nor has reached this competency level as a consumer driven entity.
As a sub-grantee of the Arkansas Department of Health, The Living Affected Corporation has been striving to offer as many prevention outlets possible including participating in outreach opportunities and most notably collaborations such as providing leadership in crafting the states Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Plan that will serve as the official community jurisdictional piece regarding the impact of federal dollars extended to Arkansas for HIV and AIDS. The group continues to pursue its media track while releasing it's next version of the Holistic Health Guide, periodicals, "Our Lives, Our Stories," and another forthcoming first in the guise of a LGBTQ health journal entitled, OMNIBUS slated for a mid summer release. Also in the works are website upgrades, launching a new STRILITE portal webpage, webcasting, podcasting and other new media activities.
Furthermore the group wishes to intensify its stance that the "human condition" must become paramount with the paradigm of linking or retaining individuals in HIV and AIDS care. The basic human rights framed by the groups "HEFTE" ( Housing, Employment, Food, Treatment and Education") concept has become the unifying element that will be instrumental in the care continuum. The impending HELP fair slated for September 28 will allow the members of STRILITE to showcase their community involvement to connect people to services within a AIDS Awareness format.
The groups new bold and concise vision statement of "We are the statewide organization that is informed and connected to change the social construct of the community we serve by providing basic human rights," is also propelled by the groups reaffirmed commitment of refocusing its mission statement which now reads: "Transforming communities through holistic health by providing education and advocacy." Although the strategic development is still unfolding, The Living Affected Corporation is preparing itself to engage the community on many new frontiers with new programs, services and initiatives that will eventually lead to the organizatrion being a premiere Well Being Institute.
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