The Living Affected Corporation participated Sunday August 12, in the first Community Day sponsored by the Presbyterian Church of Argenta in North Little Rock. The organization provided a micro health outreach and assisted contacting individuals to benefit from the school supplies being offered for free. "Although turn out was lite at the beginning, we were hoping that some participation would happen later in the afternoon," said LA Corps Desmond Pruitt. "The amount of items donated was fantastic and I really hope that those who participate appreciate this effort." Under the direction of Rev. Ann Russ, the church has been in a revival and rebuilding approach. The church has secured grants for updates and new fixtures including a new piece of equipment for the kitchen. Living Affected has also joined the church's new Community Gardens Project funded through a Argenta beautification grant. Since we talk about "food" as a social determinant within our HEFTE concept, we thought it ideal that perhaps we consider raising some food organically as a continuing symbol of self sustaining one's self." said Chief Operating Officer Cornelius Mabin. He continued, "we will need volunteers to come share their gardening experience and those who can help us make that project a success." Pictured from left: Derrick Lopp and Cornelius Mabin.
Social Networking Event Announces
The Board of Directors of The Living Affected Corporation has announced its schedule of Afterhour Networking sessions for the remainder of 2012. The evenings were designed as apart of the organizations continued outreach to the community as well as prospect for additional board members and or volunteers. The dates are as follows but could be subject to change:
A new Black Gay Men's Support Group tentatively structured as
"Tongues Untied" and is planning its debut October 10,
2012, 6-7:30 pm at 401 North Maple Street, in North Little Rock. Under the
guidance of The Living Affected Corporation in
conjunction with ADH's newest sub-grantee, Strilite, the
venture will be designed to further support efforts to " HIV prevention message"
within the same gender loving community and beyond. Member Derrick Lopp
stated, "I think that this is our time to have a gathering of this type. I'm very excited
in how it will take off and be used."
Social Networking Event Announces
The Board of Directors of The Living Affected Corporation has announced its schedule of Afterhour Networking sessions for the remainder of 2012. The evenings were designed as apart of the organizations continued outreach to the community as well as prospect for additional board members and or volunteers. The dates are as follows but could be subject to change:
September 5, 2012
October 3, 2012
November 7, 2012
December 5, 2012
For additional details call the office at 379.8203 or email: info@lacorponline for directions or donations.
Tongues Untied Prepares for October Launch

"I believe that we need places to share our thoughts and
challenges especially before crisis situations set in," said Facilitator Desmond Pruit. The new group will have
both an open forum and topical format based around a 90 minute frame or as the
group decides. Pruitt stated that "we plan to begin with identity issues and how they impact our lives." Chief Operating Officer, Cornelius Mabin emphasized that this
project was always apart of the Strilite vision. From its inception, the members
viewed having such a group would be vital to their mission to "provide peer to
peer mentoring, support and prevention education against maladies such as HIV in
our community." Furthermore, " it's become imperative that as we deal
with individuals holistically, we must wholeheartedly support their vision of
"reaching our present to change our future." As planning is completed, times
will be confirmed and announced on all the organizations digital
platforms. Pruitt is a graduate of Philander Smith College with a B.A. in Organizational Management, Master's Degree in Human Resources from Webster University and was formerly employed by Verizon. He currently serves a resource volunteer for the organization and will facilitate the meetings. Additional meetings will be held November 14, 2012 and December 12, 2012. Dates are subject to change due to scheduling.
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