LA Corp : Taking a Licking and Keeps on Ticking, 2.0

Training and Capacity Building: As a group, LA Corp moved to enhance its STRILITE program with all members receiving Voluntary Counseling and Testing Training.
Each member was equipped with testing kits which included OraQuick Rapid HIV Antibody tests, safe sex kits, and prevention information. This capability allowed each participant to offer immediate "on site" testing as well as necessary counseling in their respective areas.
The training distinctly provided the program with Black MSM personnel to be mobilized as "mobile" units to serve within the access area. Additional capacity building included Informed Trauma training, strategic planning, peer leadership, D- UP DEBBI and public speaking training modules.

Expounding on the at concept, LA Corp collaborated with First Presbyterian Church's Community Garden project in establishing its own Food Justice Project with its symbolic "planting seeds of empowerment and hope in the community." Spearheaded by the LA Corp volunteer James M,( pictured) the project accepted donated above ground garden boxes during the fall planting season. McLaughlin decided to plant "healthy alternatives" that often are not available in some neighborhoods which are often located in "food desserts," where such fresh vegetables are not available. The project is slated to continue into the 2013 planting season while adding additional elements such as a proposed community forum and cooking demo to the program.
Speakers Bureau: LA Corp provided its expertise in the area of health disparities by dispatching it staff to various public speaking request. Team members addressed the Pine Bluff Arkansas Lion's Club, made appearances on the Effrim Elliot cable show, addressed BCD empowerment center clients, presented before ARCPG, participated in online chats,webinars, teleconferences and numerous radio interviews and spotlights. Appeared as panelist during World AIDS Day activities in both Little Rock and Jonesboro, Arkansas including radio spotlights and interviews. Appeared as panelist during December's World AIDS Day activities in both Little Rock and Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Publications and New Media: The group continued to offer an array of publications including its Holistic Health Guide which offered local contact numbers for physicians, providers and the unique "hand holders" navigators listing. OMNIBUS, the first ever Arkansas LGBT Health guide was devoted to covering various layers of health concerns throughout the LGBTQ community.
LA Corp has fully embraced new media while updating its web presence with newly format web page( revamping its Facebook page ( ) and cross pollinating with social activitst and commentator, C. Mabin's long running CorneliusOnpoint. ( )
2012 has proved to be a tremendous organizational year filled with triumphs and temerity in its sojourn on being an important partner in seeking to end HIV and AIDS.
Meanwhile looking to 2013, the organization has looked internally at its structure for necessary changes, taken an inventory of its impact in its service area in search of viable outcomes and has firmly reassessed its capacity to continue in its role as a service provider in the HIV/AIDS arena. While the road has been long and winding, The Living Affected Corporation has been a trailblazer in the fight to scale up the focus on Black gay MSM infection rates, dared to ask to "hard questions" about data reporting and its validity, worked with area researchers whom will be apart of the future foot soldiers seeking a vaccines, demanding that resource allocations be reviewed and being a paramount collaborator both statewide and regionally as the premier organization dedicated to ending HIV and AIDS. Come join us as we move forward in 2013, make your financial contribution on this page, purchase a publication, volunteer or offer your unique way to help us continue our mission to transforming communites through holistic health by providing, education, and advocacy. Do it today!
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