Monday, February 20, 2012

Red Ribbons Lifting Hope

With each new year comes the task of accounting as well as forecasting an organizations viability to accomplish its mission. The Living Affected Corporation has been steadfast in its efforts to maximize its resources to full fill our mission to promote holistic, positive sexual and reproductive health for all. Through our prevention methods of education and advocacy we are focused on dismantling social and economic barriers for marginalized communities. Our funding is derived from various sources including federal streams, foundation allotments, institutional grants and a host of in-kind and personal donations. As a public entity we have moved to be more transparent in our inner workings as well as prepared to be accountable for our operations. The Living Affected Corporation abhors past public character persecutions, rampant innuendo, personal attacks and inflammatory rhetoric that attempted to defame our reputation and impede our progress. At this as we move forward any and all of those minor nuances have been rectified and resolved. Since our inception LA Corp has been committed to ensuring a comprehensive system of HIV care in Arkansas. Our services of condom circulation, HIV Outreach Worker Certification, free testing, harm reduction kits, publishing and advocacy training have been invaluable to our target population and community at large. We have lead the charge to encourage our health care system to develop and support programs that are adequately funded and accessible as we continue to pursue a course to "zero infections." All of our program efforts embraces the various tenants of The National HIV/AIDS Strategy as promoted by the Obama administration. Our goal is to continue our primary work among Black men having sex with men while pursuing social justice, equality and being the premier institute of inclusive well being. Your ongoing financial support via our flagship website (  and personal interaction has given us the energy to stay the course in the struggle to stem the tide of HIV/AIDS infections in Arkansas.   

The Living Affected Corporation 2011

Income Expenses Description
$ (28,450.00) Salaries
$ 74,000.00 Private Foundations
$ (2,850.00) Rent 2 church locations during the year
$ 6,300.00 donations $ (4,800.00)
Phones/Internet Internet service, fax, phone and cell
& other revenue $ (2,400.00) Printing Xerox and Staples
discretionary funds

$ (4,700.00) Travel In & Out of State
$ (7,500.00) Conference Fayetteville
$ (2,100.00) Peabody and Catering Plus Club
$ (4,000.00) Billboards Plus Club
$ (6,130.00) AMHC Audit Adjustment
$ (1,500.00) Meetings/Refreshments Board, AHCA, Book Release
$ (650.00) Insurance Board and property
$ (5,700.00) Additional Help Movers, past employees, artist, etc
$ (1,200.00) Supplies Office Supplies
$ (3,100.00) Computers/IT Citrix, Website & 1 Laptop
$ (450.00) Postage nonprofit and returns
$ (1,200.00) Maintenance Repairs
$ (2,025.00) Fringe 7.50%
$ (1,670.00) Fees Consultants and professional fees
sub total $ 80,300.00 ($125.00)
$ (80,425.00) Total Expenditure

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