Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Awareness Living

Spring is Coming. National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is Coming.

Tomorrow, Tuesday March 20th is the first day of Spring. It is also the day chosen for the annual observance of National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NNHAAD).
According to the recently launched national website for NNHAAD Exit Disclaimer, this observance day is a “national mobilization effort designed to encourage Natives (American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians) across the United States and Territorial Areas to get educated, get tested, get involved in prevention and get treated for HIV and AIDS.” A one-day program will be held Tuesday, March 20th, 2012 at the Austin Hotel located at 305 Malvern Avenue, Hot Springs, AR 71901. For more info contact:

Shari A. Joyner-Robbins
HIV Trainer / Data Manager
120 West 5th Street, Suite 301
Pine Bluff AR, 71601
Office: (870) 535-3062 Ext. 110
Fax:      (870)  534-1026

NNHAADWhy the First Day of Spring?

The new NNHAAD site tells us that it is recognized that “in many Native cultures across the US that the four seasons are highly respected in many cultures because they closely represent the cycle of life. Spring also represents a time of equality and balance and is the only day when day and night are at equal lengths. It is considered a time of profound change, new beginnings and birth, a celebration of life for all people.”
Five leading community organizations plan and implement the day:
These organizations and many other rural and urban organizations work on March 20th  – and year round — to address the HIV related needs of these communities.  Messages, posters and event information are available on the awareness day website Exit Disclaimer; NNHAAD organizers are also talking with communities and individuals on Facebook Exit Disclaimer.  You also can learn about HIV and the Indian Health Service HIV/AIDS Program here.

LGBTQ Health Magazine Update

The Living Affected Corporation has received numerous submissions for its upcoming health periodical scheduled for a June publishing. The "name game" contest also garnered several inquires and submissions that will be considered to entitle the publication. Currently we are seeking graphic artist, photographers, proofreaders and individuals interested in possible sales positions. For more information check in at 877.902.7HIV or info@lacorponline.org 

Board Members for LA Corp

If you are interested in joining a dynamic community based organization seeking to address health issues in the marginalized communities of Arkansas, then consider joining the board of directors of The Living Affected Corporation. Bring you influential networks and allies to our vision of offering advocacy training, fund raising, community outreach, speakers bureau, HIV/AIDS testing and so much more. Being apart of this mission will require time and treasure commitments plus you ability to be involved with assisting the organization full fill its core tenants and programming. Please submit your letter of interest to P.O. Box 46558, Little Rock, Arkansas 72214 or call 866-902-7HIV  Do it today!

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