Thursday, April 19, 2012

Living in HEFTE 2012

The Living and Affected Corporation has steadfast in its position that indivudals in search of primary care treatment for any ailment must have access to culturally competent providers and clinics. Through our research underscored by our designated "HEFTE" premise which cites " Housing, Education, Food, Treatment, and Empowerment" are  paramount in the cycle of serving persons from an holistic approach. Throughout the United States, clinics and other care pathways are forging ahead to deal with an ever growing public without health insurance or unable to qualify for safety net programs such as Medicaid. Consequently the overburdened "emergerncy room" system continues to act as a catch all for those who have accessed care from a preventive stance but have arrived in search of care usually at a critical stage of their ailment. LA Corp stand firm on the issue that this "hub and spoke" issue of social determinants must be front and center as local community, non-governemental or faith based entities attempt to direct their clients and populations into the health care stream. If such organizations are to be effective, there will have be a further infusion of resources and providers to meet the growing needs. As an agency that has pursued HIV/AIDS testing within the community, LA Corp encourages our allies, supporters and financial partners to share your valuable contributions to our mission. If you would like to  make a tax-deductible gift to the organization, you can do so at our website, or forward your contribution to P.O. box 46558, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72214. Your support will allow us to continue to bring our services to the greater central Arkansas area and beyond. Can we count on you today? For more information contact us at


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