Monday, October 22, 2012

Awaress of Living and Affected

Federico Garcia Lorca - Monday, October 22nd

Lorca crFB “To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.”

Federico Garcia Lorca was a celebrated Spanish poet and dramatist. [More]

Irshad Manji - Tuesday, October 23rd

Irshad manji crFB “My journey is about speaking out against injustice, no matter who is offended.”

Irshad Manji is an award-winning Muslim author, feminist and advocate for Islamic reform. [More]

Katherine Miller - Wednesday, October 24th

Katie Miller crFB “It’s about vocalizing what the voiceless cannot say and making visible those who are invisible.”

Katherine Miller was the most important lesbian voice in the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Holly Near - Thursday, October 25th

Holly-NearcrFB “I do not separate my music from my heart, nor do I separate my ideas from my daily life.”
Holly Near is a singer, songwriter and activist for social change. [More]

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